About Us

The Last Chance Bar & Dancehall has a rich history, dating back to the 1860s when it stood a few miles away on the county line between Austin and Dripping Springs, TX. Over time, it has served as a post office, general store, and a gathering point for troops heading to World War I.

In 1968, a dancehall was added to the building, making it the second oldest dancehall in Austin, TX. While our name has changed, our dedication to Texas country music has remained constant.

Today, our mission is clear: to provide a safe, clean, and family-friendly environment where the love for our musical heritage endures. The Last Chance Bar & Dancehall is more than just a venue; it’s the heart of our community.

As time moves forward, our commitment to preserving the traditions of this historic building remains unwavering. We are the bridge between the past and the future of Texas country music in the Austin area.

Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a longtime supporter, you’re not just a guest; you’re part of our family. Come join us in celebrating Texas music, culture, and community.

For more information about our policies, please visit our Privacy Policy page.

To get in touch or plan your visit, please visit our Contact Us page.

Visit Last Chance Bar & Dancehall and be a part of our history.